Torsion Springs
Mounted above garage door opening. Springs are manually wound/charged and then installed onto a shaft that runs through the spring. The spring turns the shaft which in turn raises or lowers the door with the aid of the cables and drums. *DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR SPRINGS WITHOUT PROPER KNOWLEDGE OR CERTIFICATION! SPRINGS ARE TIGHTLY WOUND AND VERY DANGEROUS. COULD CAUSE SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH.

Multi-strand wire used to attach garage door to the counterbalance mechanism. This cable is used to lift the garage door as it opens.

Track Brackets/Jamb Brackets
Angled brackets used to fasten the vertical section of track to jambs/framing of garage door opening.

Strut/Strut Bar
Metal piece that attaches across the top interior of the garage door to reinforce and add strength to the door. Especially necessary in larger doors to prevent sagging and bowing.